ACL Annual Meeting ~ Tuesday, January 29 at 7:30 pm

Please join us for annual ACL meeting on Tuesday, January 29. We will review circulation statistics, programming, our budget, and general ACL operations. We will also vote on our board members. Just a time to bring everyone together once a year to discuss the state of the library and generally swoon about what a great thing we’ve got going.

Who is presently on the board or an officer of the ACL, you ask? These are the folks who, in addition to staffing regular volunteer shifts, help with the finances, programming, circulation, holdings acquisition, and policies of the ACL: Johanne Campbell (treasurer), Ellen Chu (president) Dana Hanson, Lenna Kutner, Janet Linder, Liz Miller (assistant treasurer), Liz Noon, Robyn Phillips, Lynn Slobodin, Martha Sweet, Christopher Weinmann (president), and Linda Winslow (secretary).

By Auburndale Community Library

The Auburndale Community Library is a non-profit community library staffed by volunteers and funded 100% by donations.

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